
For the last few years, I’ve been working as a guest lecturer in the following institutions, sharing knowledge in the fields of choreography and composition.
Please contact me, if you are interested in a seminar.
This can go, for ex. hand in hand with the book “Symmetry, Alibis & Intuition“(2023) – see below – a collection of working methods that I wrote together with dramaturg Matthias Quabbe.

  • Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne)
    Seminar: Dance in Pop Culture and Social Media
    9.11 – 7.12.2024 / WS 2024
  • Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne), Institute for Art & Art Theory,
    Loud and Tender Springschool Arts Education, 21. – 25. March 2024
    Workshop: “My family and I – Tolerance, Family and Political Views” LINK
    “Choreography and Composition” LINK
  • HSD Düsseldorf (University of Applied Sciences), Master Communication Design, Faculty of Design WS202, SS2021.
    Seminar subject: Experimental Dance Film LINK
  • ZZT Köln (Center for Contemporary Dance, Cologne), WS2019, SS2020.
    Seminar subject: Experimental Dance Film LINK
  • Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institute for Media and Cultural Studies 2015-2018
    Seminar subject: Scenic Research, together with Prof. Daniel Rademacher.

Student Productions:


Symmetry, Alibis & Intuition: An Inventory of Choreographic Choices
A book by Reut Shemesh & Matthias Quabbe, Illustrations by Mona Kakanj

With Symmetry, Alibis & Intuition – an Inventory of Choreographic Choices, Reut Shemesh and dramaturg Matthias Quabbe present a book about Reut’s choreographic handwriting combined with vivid illustrations by Mona Kakanj. A wide variety of working methods, thought processes, and procedures are presented in thematic order, creating a ‘toolbox’ that can inspire and frame choreographic work.

Published in 2023, 67 pages, in English language.

Reading Sample Order via Books on the Move

You Cannot Make Mistakes, it’s Art!
What is my role as an ‘artist-teacher’ within the academic structure? 

A publication from the book by Jane Eschment / Hannah Neumann / Aurora Rodonò / Torsten Meyer (Hrsg.):

Arts Education in Transition
Ästhetische Bildung im Kontext kultureller Globalisierung und Digitalisation
Schriftenreihe Kunst Medien Bildung Band 5,
München 2020, 390 Seiten mit zahlr. Abb.

Buy the book

Click here for further information on the project

Photo above: GOLA 5th Movement (2022) with students of the ZZT, credit: Paul Leclaire Soest